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Bylaws of the GVR Pickleball Club
March 2020


The official name of the club shall be GVR Pickleball Club hereafter referred to as GVRPC.


To provide an atmosphere of camaraderie and enjoyment while participating in GVRPC activities. All activities conducted by this club and its members shall be in accordance with the GVR Bylaws, Corporate Policy
Manual/Policies and Procedures and GVR Code of Conduct.



A. Any pickleball club member holding a membership or tenant card in good standing with GVR is entitled to participate in activities of the Club.

B. Any member who has not paid dues, fees or assessments to GVR as of the time such payment is due shall be deemed delinquent and removed from the GVRPC membership roster and website. GVRPC members must pay membership dues between January 1st and March 1st or be deemed delinquent and removed from the membership roster and website.

C. GVRPC shall not grant honorary membership, or the equivalent, to anyone not a GVR member.

D. All members and guests shall abide by the published GVR Rules.

E. A guest must reside outside a 20-mile radius of Green Valley per GVR.


A. Officers:

There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) Members at Large and the immediate past President (non voting). The Board shall have overall governing authority over the club consistent with the provisions of these bylaws. The board shall conduct the general business of GVRPC between its business meetings; to fix the hour and place of meetings; to make recommendations to the membership and perform other duties as desired by the club. The board may be assisted by any member designee of the GVRPC. A majority of the board members shall constitute a quorum.


B. Term Definitions:

All board members are to be elected for a two-year term. A term of office runs from April 1 until March 31 for the following two (2) years.
President - Elected in elections held in even numbered years. Following the conclusion of their term shall be appointed as a non-voting general board member for one year to be used as a transition period for the new
President. Following the term as a non-voting general board member he/she may stand for election for any board position.
Vice-President - Elected in elections held in odd numbered years.


Secretary - Elected in elections held in even numbered years.
Treasurer - Elected in elections held in odd numbered years.
Members at Large:
One Member at Large, Position 2, elected in elections held in even numbered years.
Two Members at Large, Positions 1 and 3, elected in elections held in odd numbered years. 


Should a standing board member wish to be a candidate for a different board position, the following provisions shall apply:


  1. The board member must provide notice to the board of their intention to resign from their current position no later than January 1 of the election year, to then run for a different office or position. This resignation is to be effective on the date of the annual meeting, so as to not hinder the board from conducting business from January 1 until the annual meeting.

  2. Should the resigning board member be successfully elected to a different office or position, the vacated position shall be considered the board member's first term and the second position would be considered the board member's second term.

  3. The vacated position will have the remaining one year left and will then be up for election to maintain the current position rotation.


C. Term Limits:

Board members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.


D. Responsibilities of Officers:


  1. Shall preside over all club meetings and be accountable for the administration of club business.

  2. Shall sign (or designee) all formal written communication.

  3. Shall be responsible for the submission of all club documents to proper authorities.

Vice President

Shall perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform and shall also perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned, with board majority approval, from time to time by the President.




  1. Shall keep the club records, issue notices of all meetings of the board or general membership, and shall keep minutes thereof.

  2. Shall retain routine correspondence and other administrative records for three years prior to the current year.

  3. Shall retain certain permanent records for the life of the club (charter approval, employer identification number, tax exemption, etc.) and furnish whatever reports are required to GVR.



  1. 1.Shall receive and deposit all monies due to the club into the bank account of GVRPC and pay all obligations that may be incurred by the club in the regular course of its business with expenditures over $500.00 requiring the approval of a majority of the board. Shall keep an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions and provide financial reports as may be required at all meetings of the board or general membership.

  2. Shall prepare a financial report on an annual basis and have books and documents available upon request by GVR.

  3. Members At Large Represent the general membership on issues of interest or concern. They may serve as  committee chairpersons or handle special projects for the board.

Any of the above offices may be shared or divided as may be agreed upon by the board.
E. Nominating Committee:

A team of at least two (2) club members appointed by the board in the first week of January and the club President or the President's designee shall compose comprise the Nomination Committee. They will present prospective candidates for open board positions, i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members At Large board members to the membership board by the second first week of March. At the annual meeting the slate of all candidates will be presented to the club membership. All candidates will be put to a hand or secret-ballot vote. A secret-ballot will be used if more than one candidate is proposed for any board position; otherwise a hand vote will be used.


F. Election Committee:

A team of at least two (2) club members appointed by the board prior to March 1 and the club President or the  President's designee shall comprise the Election Committee. They will gather and tabulate the results from all approved methods of voting. The Election Committee shall validate each ballot as described in Section G. Following the deadline for accepting ballots, the Election Committee will present the results to the President or Vice-President for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting. The Election Committee will also present all ballots and
tabulation records with the election results.


G. Election:

Members of the GVR Pickleball Club who have paid their annual dues in full by March 1 of each year and who are in good standing as GVR members shall be eligible to vote. It shall be the responsibility of all members to advise the Club Secretary of any changes to phone or email contact information.


No later than fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Meeting, the slate of all candidates and any proposed Bylaws amendments will be presented to the club membership through the use of Email, the club website, and flyers posted at the courts. Voting instructions shall  accompany the published slate and any amendments. Club members who are eligible to vote will be able to use either of two methods to vote for candidates and proposed amendments to GVRPC Bylaws.


Submit the paper ballot to the Election Committee by U.S. mail or by depositing the ballot in the designated Pickleball Club mailbox. Paper ballots shall be accepted until the end of day on the Sunday preceding the date of the Annual Meeting. Ballots submitted by U.S. mail will be deemed timely and counted, providing they are postmarked by the preceding Sunday and delivered prior to the Annual Meeting. Submit the ballot electronically up until 6:00 pm (Arizona time) on the day before the Annual Meeting. The member shall receive acknowledgement of the successful submission of a valid ballot, using the contact info provided on the ballot.


The Election Committee shall tabulate all votes cast by these methods, verifying that each ballot contains a valid GVR member number, using the current member list described in Section E. If a ballot does not include the GVR member number of a current GVRPC member, the ballot shall be deemed invalid. Any duplicate ballots received and identified by the GVR member number shall also be deemed invalid.


All officers and board members shall be elected by a majority vote of those verified ballots cast, provided that the total number of verified ballots constitutes a quorum. present at the annual membership meeting once a quorum has been established, and shall All officers and board members shall serve without compensation. In the event that candidates for two (2) Members At Large positions are to be elected, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected for the two positions. In the event of a tie between two or more than one candidates for one position, the Board shall meet in Executive Session to break the tie and appoint one of the candidates to the position.


The President with majority approval of GVRPC board shall appoint any committee chairperson deemed necessary.


A.The club annual meeting shall be held prior to April 1 of each year. General membership meetings may be held as required. The time and place of such meetings is to be determined by the board.

B. Notice of any meeting of the membership shall be made at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting and shall set forth the nature of the business to be transacted.

C. The annual meeting shall require a quorum of 10% of the general membership to conduct business. General  membership meetings do not require a quorum. For any proposal to pass it must be approved by a
simple majority of the members present.

D. The current Roberts Rules of Order shall govern GVRPC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with GVRPC bylaws or any special rules of order the club may adopt.


A.The fiscal year shall be the calendar year – January 1 through December 31 to correspond with GVR fiscal year. GVRPC is responsible for filing a year-end financial statement with GVR within 30 days following the close of the fiscal year.

B. The board shall set the amount of annual dues. Annual dues shall cover the period of January 1 to December 31.

C. Annual dues are to be paid between January 1 and March 1 in accordance with ARTICLE III section B.


If any office should become vacant, the remainder of the term shall be filled by appointment by the President with majority approval from the Board. In the event the office of President is vacated, for any reason, the
Vice President will assume the duties of President until the next regular election when a new Presidential candidate or candidates can be placed  in nomination and elected by the GVRPC membership.


Any member of the Club in good standing may propose an amendment(s) to these bylaws. The proposed amendment(s) shall be delivered to the President, in writing, with a statement setting forth the reasons for the proposed amendment(s). Proposed amendment(s) shall be presented to the board. Following approval by the board any amendment(s) shall be submitted to GVR for approval. After approval from the board and GVR it shall then be presented to the general membership for approval at any regularly scheduled membership meeting. Written notice
of the membership meeting and the specific nature of the proposed amendment(s) must be distributed at least 14 days prior to the meeting.



A. An effective monitoring system shall be maintained by the Secretary to ensure that only GVRPC members and eligible guests are in attendance at meetings and activities of the club.

B. All participants in any meeting or activity will register on a GVR log sheet.


Upon dissolution of GVPC, any assets, after all bills have been paid, shall be transferred to GVR.


A copy of these approved bylaws shall be available to the membership of GVRPC at all meetings. All elected board members and committee chairpersons shall be furnished with a copy of the current GVR bylaws and the GVRPC bylaws following each election.




Jeff Harrell, President GVRPC Date

Dr. Kent Blumenthal, CEO GVR Inc. Date 

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