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Online Form and Payment (This is fast and secure. A credit card is required)
Annual dues are $15 per person and the term runs from January 1 to December 31. Active members on March 1 are eligible to vote in the club election. New members joining after October 1 will receive credit for the year’s remaining months and for the full year beyond.
  1. Click the "Join" button below. This will take you to the Pickleball Plus site (

  2. Once there, click the button at the top right that says "Click to log-in or join club"

  3. Then, click "Create an Account" (under the login button)

  4. Fill in the form and click the "Proceed to Payment" button

Paper Form and Check
  1. Print the paper form that can be found here.

  2. Drop the form and payment at the Pickleball Club lock box at East Center or the Pickleball Center or mail to the address on the form.

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