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GVRPC Position Descriptions


All officers and board members shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the annual membership meeting once a quorum has been established, and shall serve without compensation. All board members are to be elected for a two-year term. A term of office runs from April 1 until March 31 for the following two (2) years. Board
members shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

  • Schedule and moderate Board meetings

  • Primary GVR contact regarding all club matters and requests

  • Be accountable for the administration of club business

  • Shall sign all formal written communications

  • Shall be responsible for the submission of all club documents to proper authorities.

  • Recruit and appoint club committee chairs

  • Elected in elections held in even-numbered years. Following the conclusion of their term shall be appointed as a non-voting general board member.

Vice President
  • Perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform

  • Secondary GVR contact regarding all club matters and requests

  • Perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President with board majority approval.

  • Encouraged to chair or participate in a minimum of one club committee

  • Elected in elections held in odd-numbered years



  • Receive and deposit all monies due to the club into the bank account of GVRPC and pay all obligations that may be incurred by the club in the regular course of its business.

  • Keep an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions and provide financial reports as may be required at all meetings of the board or general membership.

  • Produce and present monthly and annual financial reports during Board and general membership meetings

  • Maintain all financial books and documents and facilitate review by GVR upon request

  • Elected in elections held in odd-numbered years




  • Maintain the club records, issue notices of all meetings of the Board or general membership, and record all meeting minutes

  • Retain routine correspondence and other administrative records as described in club bylaws

  • Retain certain permanent records for the life of the club (charter approval, employer identification number, tax exemption, etc.) and furnish reports required by GVR

  • Update membership renewals and new memberships in club recordkeeping system

  • Coordinate reservations for club meetings and functions at GVR facilities

  • Elected in elections held in even-numbered years


Members at Large
  • Represent the general membership on issues of interest or concern. They may serve as committee chairs and lead special projects for the board

  • Encouraged to chair or participate in a minimum of one club committee


Nomination Committee

Two (2) club members are appointed by the Board no later than
the first week of January and the President or the President's
designee shall lead the Nomination Committee. The Committee is
responsible for publicizing upcoming vacant Board positions,
collecting and vetting nominations, and presenting Board
candidates to the Board by the second week of March. During the
annual meeting the slate of all candidates will be presented to the
club membership by the Committee.

Senior Games Committee

Schedule, organize, and manage the annual Senior Games Pickleball Tournament


  • Liaise with GVR and Quail Creek for tournament planning and marketing

  • Create online registration process and publicize tournament 

  • Manage registration, brackets, player assistance, and tournament desk

  • Recruit and assign coordinators for referees and volunteers

  • Provide updates during and following tournament for publication to the club

  • Conduct post-tournament review of plan and results and recommend any necessary changes for the following year


Education Committee


  • Develop and provide player instruction for all skill group levels

  • New player introduction classes including orientation and loaned equipment

  • Continuing education through GVR and club classes for new players not yet ready for focus play

  • Continuing education for all skill levels through GVR, club classes and sessions focused on specific skills and skill levels

  • Recommend and coordinate clinics provided by pickleball pros

  • Develop standards for coaching techniques and course content

  • Provide class and clinic schedules for publication to the club


Ratings Committee


  • Develop standards for club member rating evaluations and conduct evaluations upon club member request

  • Develop and update ratings guidelines and evaluation worksheets as published national guidelines evolve

  • Provide club member education on the ratings and evaluation process

  • Evaluate club members upon request to determine the correct assigned club level

  • Discuss evaluation results with club members and recommend areas of further education and improvement

  • Provide monthly updates on evaluation results for all changes in club levels for publication to the club


Social Committee


  • Plan, organize, and coordinate club social events throughout the year

  • Recommend to the Board ideas and dates for social events, including those associated with tournaments and fundraising efforts

  • Schedule GVR facilities upon Board approval of events

  • Provide details in advance for publication to the club and to create signup process

  • Provide estimated revenue and expense to the Treasurer and a final report following the event

  • Coordinate preparation and cleanup for event with GVR

  • Provide update following the event for publication to the club


Fundraising Committee


  • Recommend and coordinate all club fundraising efforts for club

  • contributions to new courts and enhancements to existing courts

  • â—¦ Determine club fundraising goals for specific projects

  • â—¦ Recommend to the Board fundraising activities, including the

  • fundraising goal and any associated expense

  • â—¦ Work with other committees as needed to manage fundraising

  • activities

  • â—¦ Provide regular report to the Board on fundraising activities and

  • results

  • Court Management Committee

  • Coordinate all support for court maintenance, supplies, and player

  • assistance

  • â—¦ Monitor court conditions and report cleaning and maintenance

  • issues to GVR

  • â—¦ Recruit, train, and schedule player assistance volunteers

  • â—¦ Order supplies as needed and maintain inventory records


Court Usage Committee


  • Optimize court usage and maintain court schedules

  • Research court usage methods from other pickleball clubs to discover improvements to the existing club methods

  • Recommend schedule modifications to optimize court usage Court Attendance Reporting

  • Collaborate with GVR staff to create attendance reports using scanner reports and manual sign in sheets.

  • Analyze usage reports and prepare summary reports for the Board


Communication Committee


  • Prepare and distribute all club communications to the public, club members, and GVR staff

  • Update and maintain bulletin boards and signage at court locations

  • Manage SignUp Genius for all opportunities for club members to register for club activities

  • Maintain club website and social media sites to provide current and historical club information

  • Create and distribute club email notifications


Community Outreach


  • Coordinate club efforts to support local community organizations through volunteerism and donations

  • Health & Welfare Outreach

  • Provide club recognition and support for those experiencing loss, injury, or illness. Welcome new club members.


Merchandise Committee


  • Coordinate design, ordering, and distribution of branded merchandise for club members and work with Treasurer to track payments and club income.

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